Better Boards hosted a webinar on the topic “Hire, Review & Fire: The CEO Lifecycle” in September 2023. I was lucky enough to facilita...
“Protecting your organisation from cyber risk and implementing preventative measures to keep your organisation’s data safe, has never been...
Articles on Boardroom Technology.
Boardroom Technology
Cyber Security 1.0.1 For Boards
The traditional concept of IT Disaster Recovery (DR), i.e. the solution where an organisation sets up an alternate site where servers, applications and data can be used in case the primary data centre burns down, floods, loses power or otherwise fails, needs to be re-thought completely due to two major developments. The first one is Cloud computing, resulting in the IT DR responsibility seemingly being transferred to the shoulders of an external supplier.
Rinske Geerlings
The Rise of Technology During the Pandemic – A Double Edged Sword
The impacts of COVID-19 are continuing to be felt across all industries and the charity and not-for-profit (NFP) sector is no exception. Sudden lockdowns and disruptions to service delivery forced charities and NFPs to embrace technology as one of the only ways forward. Whilst technology can improve efficiency, foster collaboration, expand opportunities for growth and help organisations better deliver services, it is a double-edged sword. Cybersecurity incidents have soared during the pandemic with charities and NFPs being a prime target.
Vera Visevic
How to run remote board meetings securely and effectively
Remote meetings present technological, social, legal and security challenges. But they also offer convenience, an opportunity to expand your board’s membership and a catalyst to evaluate the effectiveness of your meetings. Access to technology and digital literacy are vital to successful virtual meetings. Provide any skills training board members need to confidently participate in video or conference calls. Security is a particular concern with remote meetings, so review your company’s security protocols and make sure you understand any risks involved with the technology you use.
Better Boards